Welcome to Laura's Guinea Pig Page!


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The Pig Place

Welcome to the Pig Place- the Guinea Pig part of this site!  This is where all the Guinea Pig information is!


Guinea Pigs: small rodents that you devote your life to, and treat them as kings and queens.  You feed them the best hay, food, and put them in the largest cages availabe. 
For great information on how to build a cage large enough to house a cavy, go here:


For basic cavy care, go here:


For as much food as you pet Guinea Pig can eat- and not eat- go here:


Do you think your cavy may have mites, lice, or some other pest?  If he/she is from a pet store, this is probably so.  For the sympyoms, go here: (Note: I couldn't get it to do direct linking, so you will have to click on hair loss from the index page)


How do I sex my Guinea Pig?


~Accidental Pregnancies~
Unfortunatley, many cavies are mis-sexed, leading to accidental pregnancies.  Never trust a pet store.  Try sexing your pig from the link above, or bring him/her to the vet.    If an accidental pregnancy does take place, read up on everything having to do with prgnancies.  After the puppies are born, don't bring them to the nearest pet store or shelter, find (Good) homes for them.  Look at this link for more info:  http://guinealynx.info/guinealynx/breeding.html#contentsAs
What if I have Questions?
If you have questions, there is an array of forums you can go to.
The Cavy Madness Messageboard
Is a great board.  The people there can answer almost every question you have.  (EzBoard)
The Cavies Galore Forums
Cavies Galore has been around for a long time and has many experianced members.  It has a forum for every topic. (vBboard)
Guinea Lynx Forums
Has the most medical knowledgable members.  If you have an Emergency I suggest you post it there. (Similar to vBboard)
Cavy Life Forums
This is my very own messageboard and it's just starting out.  Please take a look. (EzBoard)
Critter Country Pet Forums
Has only one forum related to Guinea Pigs.  It also Has Forums on other small animals, but the Guinea Pig one is the most active. (vBboard)
Cavy Cages Forums
Is the forum to the cavy cages site.  It has about every cage and accesory topic forum imaginable. (EzBoard)
Rescue and Adoption
Is the forum to the Rescue and Adoption website.  Discusses all adoption issues including Stories, Pet Stores, and Hollister. (EzBoard)
Cavy Seek Forums
Has lots of topics including Diet and Nutrition, Anatomy and Behavior, and Cavy Health and Hygiene. (vBboard)
The Acme Pet Message Board
One single Forum which is in a convoluted format and can be difficult to follow.
Piggy Lovers Unite!
This board is also just starting out!  Please take a look!

~We need your Help!~      
Guinea Pigs around the world need your help.  Put these posters up around your town: http://www.cavyspirit.com/poster.htm ,  and donate money to any Cavy rescue you can find.  You can save a life, and saving a life is making a diffrence. 
Love a Pig- Save a life.
Thank you all who have donated.  You may have saved a life.

Adopt Me!!!

There are way too many homeless Guinea Pigs in this world, so if you are planning to get one, Please Adopt.  Buying from a pet store is putting up supply and demand, the more are bought, the more they get.  Please!  Don't support pet stores!  adopt! 


Scott- Look at his little mouth!

Love a Pig- Save a Life


Looking for a pig to adopt?  Look here:
http://www.petfinder.org if you don't live in North America, this Link won't help you this will: http://www.gpan.net/ 
Wondering where pet store piggies came from?  Look here: http://www.cavyspirit.com/hollister.htm

That day you left for the rainbow bridge, I was very sad, even though I knew you were in a better place, I miss you really bad. I know you know I love you, but moving on is so very hard to do, and today I leave this note, to let you know you'll always have a special place in my heart.

What's over is over, what's done is done, but now I face something new. To punish the people who did this to you. Together we try, as hard as we can, to stop this cruel matter. We're all working together for something we believe in. Together we may save a life.

We've stopped the selling of cats and dogs, but we're still not through, as cats and dogs are just the beginning of something new. A new concept, hard to grasp, as it's been part of our culture for so long, and "Look at that doggie in the window", how could we forget that song? The world is changing, we're all moving on, we're tackling problems, together, we try, this is a problem, and why?

They're helpless, they're weak, they have no choice, and to lock them in cages with no care is the worst kind of evil out there.

God bless all the little angels whose lives were so short, and as much we may miss them, we have to move on, and stop the selling of live animals.

Dedicated to all the little Pet Store animals that lost their lives


Words to know:
Cavy: the group a Guinea Pig is classified in.  The term "cavy" is often used to represent "Guinea Pig"
Ivermectin: what is used to treat mites in Guinea Pigs.
Mites: a common pest in Guinea Pigs, which live under the skin and is not visible to the eye.  Symptoms: hairloss, excessive scratching, dandruff, and irritated skin mostly around the ears.
Infestation: When something (like mites) shows up on your whole "herd"
Herd: Your group of animals.
Sows: female cavies
Boars: male cavies
Q. Do I have to bathe my Guinea Pig?
A.  Not necissarily, unless he/she is vey dirty or has lice.  Too frequent bathing will dry out his/her skin.  If you do need to, use kitten shampoo in a sink (some Guinea Pigs will try to "swim" when others will not, so keep it shallow)  Don't get their faces wet.  Make sure they are COMPLETELY DRY , so you don't cause him/her to get sick.  You can try a hair drier to dry them.  Most Pigs like this, but if yours does not, put him/her in a box with a hot water bottle with a towel wrapped around it, untill he/she is completely dry.
Q. Should I breed my Guinea Pig?
Breeding is very risky thing to do.  It is a risk to your sow and the babies.  Birth complications can be fatal.  There have been up to 12 babies- can you find homes for all of those?  If you want another pig, rescue one.  (Note: I am only meaning that you should not breed them just because you want babies or think it would be fun) 
Q. Is one pig a lonely pig?
You can feel free to have just one pig,  but it has to have you be it's friend.  Having two pigs will allow you to let them bond, and keep each other company on those lonely nights when you can't be there.  Just because you have two doesn't mean they won't bond with you.  The more you spend time with them the more they'll bond with you.
Q. What excatly does it take to have a Guinea Pig?
It takes time, patience, and room.  You need room for a big cage, and time for floor time.
Q. Do two males fight?
You may have heard that two males fight.  This is a total myth.  Males have as much of a chance to fight as females.  And no, three don't fight, four, five, six...  Of course they might fight, but the same chance as females.
Q. Can you neuter them?
Yes, you can neuter them.  It is less risky to neuter a male than a female, but it still risky, so it would be safer to get two of the same gender.
Q. Alfalfa or Timothy?
For Guinea Pigs under six months, nursing, or Preganant you can feed them Alfalfa Hay.  For over six months, Timothy is the way to go.  Alfalfa has a lot of Calcuim, which can cause bladder stones or other bladder problems. 
Q.What do you feed them?
You should feed them a good quality hay pellet.  Kaytee brand sells Alfalfa based pellets.  If you are in the UK, keep your eye out for Supa Guinea Excel.  The only place I know of that sells Timothy based pellets is: http://www.oxbowhay.com .  Oxbow also sells good quality hay.  http://www.ferretstore.com/index.html also sells oxbow products.  If you're in the UK, you can find Oxbow products at http://www.bunnybazaar.co.uk/refills.html
Q. What's the scoop on cedar bedding?
Cedar bedding is extremely toxic to Cavies, which have a very sensitive respiratory system and can get sick from strong-smelling, dusty bedding such a cedar. Cedar isn't only bad for cavies, it is also bad for mice, rats, hamsters, gerbils, you name it. Cedar should not be sold in stores, it is not good for any type of small animal. It's just a way to make money off of people who don't know better.
Q. PINE- Good Or Bad?
Pine is bad unless it's kiln-dried.  Kiln-Dried meaning odorless, dustless, and dry.  One kiln-dried brand is Pestell.
Q. So, what bedding should I use?
It's pretty much up to you.  If there were a perfect bedding I would tell you.  http://www.cavycages.com/bedding.htm has all the bedding you can think of, plus the pros and cons. 

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